Recent Publications

Cusanus Today
Thinking with Nicholas of Cusa between Philosophy and Theology (Catholic University of America Press, 2024)
Edited by David Albertson, 2022–2024 Faculty Fellow

Making News from Global War (Stanford University Press, 2024)
Isaac Blacksin, 2021–2023 Postdoctoral Fellow

Botanical Icons
Critical Practices of Illustration in the Premodern Mediterranean (University of Chicago Press, 2024)
Andrew Griebeler, 2019–2021 Postdoctoral Fellow

Modernism, Art, Therapy
(Yale University Press, 2024)
Edited by Tanya Sheehan and Suzanne Hudson, 2019–2021 Faculty Fellow

Remembering Jews
in Maghrebi and Middle Eastern Media
(Penn State University Press, 2024)
Edited by Brahim El Guabli and Mostafa Hussein, 2017–2019 Postdoctoral Fellow

The Age of Revolutions
And the Generations Who Made It (Basic Books, 2024)
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal, 2018–2020 Faculty Fellow

The Archive of Empire
Knowledge, Conquest, and the Making of the Early Modern British World (Yale University Press, 2024)
Asheesh Kapur Siddique, 2016–2018 Postdoctoral Fellow

Staging the Absolute
Ritual in Russia's Modern Era (University of Toronto Press, 2024)
Thomas Seifrid, 2018–2020 Director

The Overlooked Americans
The Resilience of Our Rural Towns and What It Means for Our Country (Basic Books, 2023)
Elizabeth Currid-Halkett, 2018-2019, 2020-202 Faculty Fellow

Science and Society in the Sanskrit World
(Brill, 2023)
Edited by Christopher T. Fleming, 2018–2020 Postdoctoral Fellow, Toke Lindegaard Knudsen, Anuj Misra, and Vishal Sharma

The Origin of Others
(Nanhai, 2023)
Translated by Kun Huang, 2023–2025 Postdoctoral Fellow

Dreams in Double Time
On Race, Freedom, and Bebop (Duke University Press, 2023)
Jonathan Leal, 2020–2022 Postdoctoral Fellow

Political Disappointment
A Cultural History from Reconstruction to the AIDS Crisis (Harvard University Press, 2023)
Sara Marcus, 2019–2020 Postdoctoral Fellow

Queer Viewers and the TV That Soothes Us (NYU Press, 2023)
Karen Tongson, 2023–2025 Faculty Fellow

After Life
A Collective History of Loss
and Redemption in Pandemic America (Haymarket Books,
Rhae Lynn Barnes,
2016–2018 Postdoctoral
Fellow, with Keri Leigh Merritt
and Yohuru Williams

How Machines Came to Speak
Media Technologies and Freedom of Speech (Duke University Press, 2022)
Jennifer Peterson, 2021–2023 Faculty Fellow

Refusal to Eat
A Century of Prison Hunger Strikes (University of California Press, 2022)
Nayan Shah, 2018–2020 Faculty Fellow

Ringleaders of Redemption
How Medieval Dance Became Sacred (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Kathryn Dickason, 2018–2020 Postdoctoral Fellow

Ownership and Inheritance in Sanskrit Jurisprudence
(Oxford University Press, 2021)
Christopher Fleming, 2018–2020 Postdoctoral Fellow

Ética y política de la lectura errada (Prometeo Libros, 2021)
Erin Graff Zivin, 2022–2024 Faculty Fellow; 2023–2024 Acting Director

La perspectiva hispana (Guillermo Escolar, 2021)
Edited by Erin Graff Zivin, 2022–2024 Faculty Fellow; 2023–2024 Acting Director, Jacques Lezra, Alberto Moreiras, and José Luis Villacañas Berlanga

Explorations in Science, Sound, and Vision (Bloomsbury 2021)
Edited by Jonathan Leal, 2020–2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, Carol Vernallis, Holly Rogers, and Selmin Kara

An Unholy Brew
Alcohol in Indian History and Religions (Oxford University Press, 2021)
James McHugh, 2016–2018 Faculty Fellow

Contemporary Painting (World of Art)
Thames and Hudson, 2021
Suzanne P. Hudson, 2018–2020 Faculty Fellow